fea0834880 Preflighting slapconfig. Mac OS X Server uses the slapconfig command to promote Open Directory Masters and Replicas. In Lion, there is less .... If you need your preflight script to run before CCC does the ... spawn /usr/sbin/slapconfig -backupdb $archive_path/$archive_name-$date.. You can also still use slapconfig for Open Directory replicas, a great way to get ... everything is cool with the hostname, use the slapconfig command to preflight a .... Preflight the update in isolation first and roll it once ... You will use the slapconfig command to remove your Open Directory domain; an explana- tion of the full .... ... dlopen_preflight(3) - preflight the load of a dynamic library or bundle dlsym(3) ... authc/authz slapcat(8) - SLAPD database to LDIF utility slapconfig(8) - tool to .... ... so I always keep an independent bootable backup with Carbon Copy Cloner and this preflight script. I'll post my ... sudo slapconfig -restoredb .... ... the command would be: slapconfig -removereplica ... Preflighting slapconfigJanuary 31, 2012In "Mac OS X". Promote An OS X .... In CCC, you can leverage a preflight shell script to perform an "out of band" ... spawn /usr/sbin/slapconfig -backupdb $archive_path/$archive_name-$date expect .... In CCC, you can leverage a preflight shell script to perform an "out of ... /usr/sbin/slapconfig -backupdb $archive_path/$archive_name-$date. NSLocalizedDescription=A child action failed} Another interesting point is when using the slapconfig command in terminal to preflight a replica I .... Lion OD replica problem slapconfig -createreplica --certAdminEmail [email protected] ... 2012-02-06 21:49:49 +0000 Not creating replica due to preflight failure.. any flap or slap config G limit. 0 to 2.0 Gs. Normal ramp / takeoff gross weight ... KC-10 FE Preflight 22 Terms. zachduarte92. kc-10 54 Terms. zachduarte92.. slapconfig tool with the -backupdb and -restoredb options, respectively. You can also use this tool ... Runs the preflight script (System/Library/PodcastProducer/.. Note For the Active Directory guru readers, think of slapconfig as being ... be circumvented or mitigated simply by adding preflight stages to your .... ... so I always keep an independent bootable backup with Carbon Copy Cloner and this preflight script. I'll post my ... sudo slapconfig -restoredb .... osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "man slapconfig"'. } ODSTYLE ... echo "10 - Replica Preflight run from OD replica". echo "11 .... I used $ sudo slapconfig -destroyldapserver . Make sure to have a backup of your data first. Get DNS working perfectly. This involved going through Server.app's .... ... prefixlist, prefixlocalanchors, preflight, prefmanager, prefork, preforked, prefs, ... slap, slapconfig, slapd, slapdidletimeout, slapi, slapo, slapper, slas, slashbox, .... This functionality is provided by using the slapconfig command binary, the same ... ldapmodify, preflight, vastool, vgptool, ktutil, ldapsearch, uptool and vgpmod .... From the replica, run the command with the syntax: slapconfig createreplica ... ldapmodify, preflight, vastool, vgptool, ktutil, ldapsearch, uptool and vgpmod tools, ...
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